Managing Editor’s Note: Today, we’re sharing a special guest piece from Tom Gentile.

Earlier this week, Tom held a special event where he revealed how he’s trading the “Final Phase” of the AI boom – and getting out before the bust.

If you missed the event, you can click here and check out the replay.

Then make sure to read more about AI’s Final Phase below…

Right now, the AI boom is pushing the S&P 500 to its latest all-time highs.

But I believe we’re about to enter the “Final Phase.”

Here’s how it’s going to play out: Over the next few weeks and months, AI stocks are going to continue accelerating. Investors will be lining up to buy shares, pushing prices higher and higher…

Until the whole thing collapses.

This outcome is predetermined. It’s happened countless times over the last 400 years, from Dutch tulips in the 1600s to the mid-2000s housing market in the U.S.

It’s the classic boom-and-bust cycle. And it’s coming for your AI stocks.

But today, I’m going to give you my full plan to profit from the Final Phase – including how I’m going to 10x my profit potential and cut my risk to just $500 on every trade I make. 

Let’s get to it…

How the Money Calendar Lowers Your Risk

It’s all thanks to a trading program I created called the Money Calendar.

It tracks an invisible pattern that occurs in the market’s best 370 stocks. I call them Profit Cycles – short windows of around 35 days or less when certain stocks move up or down.

These patterns have at least a 90% historical success rate – meaning the stock has made a profitable move during that window in 9 of the last 10 years.

For example, the Money Calendar spotted a pattern on Nvidia earlier this year. According to the data, Nvidia (NVDA) was scheduled to go up between January 11 and February 18.

Here’s the 10-year performance for those dates:

Nvidia (NVDA)


For 9 of the last 10 years, NVDA made a profitable move. Based on these results, all you have to do is buy when the pattern starts and sell when the pattern ends.

And you can do really well on the market’s hottest AI stocks trading that way.

That NVDA pattern resulted in a 32% gain in the stock in just over 30 days.

Over the last 10 years, NVDA’s average annual growth is 32% – meaning the Money Calendar delivered a year’s worth of NVDA stock profits in about a month.

That’s a great gain, but there’s one problem: There’s still too much risk.

Now, trading Money Calendar patterns already cuts your risk. Because you’re not buying and holding shares for the long term, your capital won’t be subject to the whims of the market for very long.

And it won’t be exposed when AI busts.

But the real risk here is the cost – buying 100 shares of NVDA stock when the Money Calendar pattern began on January 11 would have cost you more than $54,000.

Most investors can’t afford that without risking a massive chunk of their overall capital, something I don’t recommend.

So how do you bring down your overall cost to trade these 30-day patterns?

That’s easy: options.

Three Reasons I Trade Options

Options are the perfect way to trade Money Calendar patterns, for three reasons.

  1. Lower Risk

Options allow you to control 100 shares of stock for a limited time. And the expiration date means you’ll pay far less to “rent” those shares than you would to own them.

Remember, to buy 100 shares of NVDA to trade that January 11 Money Calendar pattern, it would have cost you more than $54,000.

The option trade, on the other hand…

Well, the way I trade, it would have cost you $500 or less in risk.

So, would you rather risk $54,000 to make 30%… or risk $500 to make 100%?

That should be an easy question to answer.

The risk/reward setup in the option trade is much more favorable.

If the market crashes tomorrow, the option trader is out $500 and gets to move on to the next opportunity.

The investor with $54,000 tied up in NVDA is going to lose a whole lot more than $500.

  1. Higher Returns

Options are leveraged, so a small move in the price of the underlying stock produces a much bigger return in the option.

For many of my Money Calendar trades, a tiny 2–3% move in our direction is all it takes to double the value of our option trade.

And over the years, I’ve given my subscribers the chance to double their money 182 times on these lucrative, invisible patterns I discovered.

I’m talking about gains like…

219% in just 10 days on Google…


270% in three weeks on Amazon…


And a whopping 384% in three weeks on AI chipmaker AMD.


So instead of making quick double-digit gains just buying the stock, you can boost your profit potential by 10x using options.

All courtesy of the Money Calendar.

  1. More Flexibility

With call options, we can play bullish trends and profit from stocks going up.

When the Money Calendar looks like this:


You’ll see mostly call trades.

I like to let the tailwind of a strong overall market help my chances. So I prefer to trade with the markets.

In fact, when stocks are strong, I’ll often look closely to see if a stock is correlating with the S&P 500 before I place a trade.

The stronger the correlation, the more likely a trade will receive a boost from the strength of the broader market trend.

Now, if the Money Calendar looks like this:


I’ll recommend put options to play bearish trends and profit from stocks on the way down.

So no matter what market trends the Money Calendar shows, we have a plan to profit.

There’s one more strategy I use to trade these Money Calendar patterns. It’s a special type of trade that allows me to lower my risk even furtherwithout sacrificing any upside.

The “Loophole Trade”

The “Loophole Trade” (known as a vertical debit spread) is an options trading strategy well suited for market volatility caused by financial and geopolitical uncertainties.

These events generate anxiety among investors. (With the upcoming election, war in Ukraine and the Middle East, persistent inflation, and interest rates uncertainties, the list is very long right now.)

And this is because a Loophole Trade reduces risk even more.

It’s a low-cost way to leverage expensive stocks without ever buying a single share outright.

The strategy involves buying to open a lower-strike call option while selling to open a higher-strike call option simultaneously on the same order ticket.

The premium received from selling the second option offsets the cost of the first, allowing you to get in the trade for a lower price – meaning bigger profits and less risk.

And this type of spread doesn’t cap your profits – so you can still shoot for triple-digit gains.

Even better, the Loophole Trade is also the best way to score the biggest profits on the most expensive stocks.

Why risk tens of thousands of dollars on shares of Nvidia when you can use a Loophole Trade to “rent” 100 shares for just $500 – and for a shot at 100% gains.

Free Trading Resources

Have you checked out Larry’s free trading resources on his website? It contains a full trading glossary to help kickstart your trading career – at zero cost to you. Just click here to check it out.

Money Calendar Is the Perfect Tool for AI’s Final Phase

The Money Calendar alerts me to what’s ahead and gives my readers a chance to profit quickly and safely through options.

This is how I’m trading the Final Phase of the AI boom – and getting out before the bust.

Earlier this week, I held a special event that detailed everything you need to know about the Final Phase. That includes the name of one stock the Money Calendar has marked as an immediate trade target.

I gave a small group of my followers my exact profit plan for the Final Phase, including…

  • How the Final Phase of the AI boom will play out. (Hint: It’s not like most people expect.)

  • Why most investors could walk away from the AI boom empty-handed

  • How my Money Calendar finds the best time to buy and sell the market’s best AI stocks

  • How my strategy will help boost your stock profits 10x and cut your risk to $500 or less per trade

  • My top 10 AI stocks for this last phase of the boom

It’s completely free of charge. But this presentation won’t be available for long…

If you missed the event, I urge you to click here and check out the replay.

I’ll give you even more details on how I plan to profit in the next few weeks and months – including how you can join in. 

Good trading,


Tom Gentile
America’s Pattern Trader