Larry Benedict is a 35-year trading veteran. Starting from the pits at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), Larry’s skills grew until he was running a world-class $800 million hedge fund – where he regularly traded position sizes in the millions of dollars. He even went 20 years without a single losing year… putting his hedge fund in the top 1% of Barron’s rankings.
That’s because, from 1990 through 2010, Larry’s hedge fund never had a single losing year. (It wasn’t until 2011 that he had a losing year, and even then, the fund was down less than 1%.) In 2008, when the financial world was in upheaval, Larry and his partners had their best year ever, making $95 million for their clients.
Now though, Larry fully devotes himself to bringing his trading secrets to everyday investors – with actionable, profitable options plays and other top-level strategies that made him a massive success.
Buying momentum is weakening, making this stock look vulnerable again…
Many of the best opportunities are restricted to hedge funds and other kinds of institutional investors…
You don’t have to go at it alone when you’re learning to trade...
This sector has seen a rally last more than a decade… but can that be sustained?
Gold couldn’t catch a break the whole summer before rallying strongly in October… but a few things must happen...
This investment instrument can create 750% more yield than your typical savings account...